Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome, 2010

All right, here we go...the start of a new decade. I think I'm looking forward to this. Don't get me wrong, 2009 was a good year, but I'm glad to see it go and to move on to the fresh, new year.

Anyone who knows me half-way decently knows that I'm not one for New Years resolutions. I don't understand the point of waiting till a specific date to start bettering yourself. What's wrong with today, right now, this very second? As for bettering myself, I've already come up with a few ideas. Some have been put into place, some will begin when the time is right.

- I'm going to take my training for Chicago seriously. I won't have my exam this year (!!), so that really should make it a lot easier, time-wise/stress-wise. This will be my "big" race of the year. Nothing else will really matter.

- That said, if I don't make another race because of Chicago training, that's okay. I'm not going to let myself get upset over. Which leads to...

- I'm not going to let my friends influence me so much. If I don't feel like doing something, I'm not going to do it. They're an amazing group of people and I know they won't be "mad" if I don't follow along with whatever they I just need to act on that and get over this feeling of letting them down.

- I really need to carve out some more "me" time, which includes "me and the hubs" time. Between my exam and his school/work schedules, we haven't seen a lot of each other over the past year and a half.

Happy New Year to everyone! I'll be kicking it off with a bang tomorrow (the 3rd) with a 5k and continuing with some of that "me and the hubs" time while we really get into some home projects. Hope everyone has a great 2010!


Unknown said...

Are you talking about the Chicago Marathon? I'm thinking that is going to be my first one that I run (and hoping to do it this year) but I'm nervous to pull the trigger and register!

Val Duffinger said...

Yep, I'm definitely in for the Chicago Marathon this year! It'll be the hubs's first too! You should totally do it!

Anonymous said...

Good for you - keep on pushing forward. This is YOUR year!

Anonymous said...

how did I not know you had a blog!? well, I know now. :D glad I figured it out eventually! :D