Sunday, October 4, 2009


This is the elevation chart from my 18 mile run, which I did on Friday. I'm still sore. The hubs and I had a friend who would tell us "You live in Albuquerque. You can't escape the hills," every time we would complain about riding our bikes uphill. I loved to point out to him that the Bosque trail is flaaaat and in Albuquerque, but still - I got his point. NYC is 4 weeks from today and considerably flatter than this was. There are really only a couple of hills (the nastiest is at Mile 15 and is really only nasty because it's on a bridge with no spectators). You can see the elevation chart here. Oh, and this 18 miler was done at a minimum elevation of 5,911 feet....NYC? 0 feet. :)


Alison and Karen said...

The Seattle marathon is really hilly. We keep hearing people say that this is not a race to go your personal best because of all the hills. We will both PR because it's our first, but man I don't like hills either!! Good luck in NYC!! Happy Running!

Unknown said...

I hate hills so congrats on being able to run them! My first half is a "fast and flat" course which is perfect for me. I know I'll still be doing 12 minute miles though!

Val Duffinger said...

I've actually gotten a lot better w/the hills over the past several months. There's literally ONE place to run out here (ok, I may be exaggerating a bit) that's flat, but I'm so sick of that trail. My legs are just screaming at me today though! I'm fine when I'm up and walking around, but it's the getting up part that's no fun!

Jessica, 12 min/miles is fast to me! Some day I'll get there!

Angie Eats Peace said...

Wowza. That looks difficult, but good training for the marathon.

Claire said...

Sounds like you are going to be ready!